Find Your Creative Space with a Studio Apartment in Downtown Kalamazoo

Being part of an artistic community is often made easier by having a home in proximity to the places you interact with others and work on projects, and Gilmore Apartments are the newer studio apartments in downtown Kalamazoo that can provide you with the best place to live for these purposes. Located in the heart of downtown Kalamazoo, any creative looking to join the artistic community of Kalamazoo has a great option for a new living space.

Park Trades Center

Standing for more than 100 years, the Park Trades Center in downtown Kalamazoo now houses a large community with over 100 artists, designers, and more that you can be in close proximity to with a studio apartment in downtown Kalamazoo. Just a few blocks away, the Park Trades Center is within walking distance of Gilmore Apartments, meaning you could be within walking distance of studio space that can serve either as inspiration for your own projects or be your very own studio space!

Kalamazoo Institute of Arts

Another great resource that is within walking or biking distance is the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts. Perfect for seeing the work of others that can again serve as inspiration for you, or a place where you can even take or teach art courses, the KIA is an artist’s best friend when moving into the downtown Kalamazoo area. Always changing what they have on display and often displaying talent done by local artists, the KIA can be a great resource for you to maybe even get your own work displayed.

Craft shows

Kalamazoo has a variety of arts and crafts shows and markets that are open throughout the warmer months of the year that open downtown on the mall strip as well as in Bronson Park that you can participate in. If more hands-on art is your specialty, these can be a great opportunity for you to get out and sell your work at a location that’s only a short walk away.

With so much going on in Kalamazoo’s art scene, there are plenty of opportunities for young, budding artists to experienced artists that can be made all the more accessible by choosing Gilmore Apartments as your new home. Contact us today to see what we have available for you!